- To network with parish pastoral council (PPC) associations and cells with a family perspective in planning and implementing parish projects
- Building the family into domestic church where the parents are the first catechists and source of missionary zeal and apostolate
- Fostering a spirituality of the family that is relevant, family catechesis especially the centrality of spousal love and parental love in the divine plan
- To make Christ the centre of each home so that his values permeate family life which is reflected in family prayer. scripture reading and reflection, remembering that family that prays together stays together.
- Organizing Marriage Preparation (remote proximate and immediate) and marriage enrichment programmes to strengthen marriage and family life
- To make families aware of their role to become leaven in society and be agents of change against social evils, like caste, superstitions, dowry, etc
- To become prolife and promote openness to life.
- Counsel and support families in crisis, like those hurting marriages, separated, divorced young widows or widowers, migrant families single parent families, children with behavioural problems, etc.