This is one and unique Salesian Parish dedicated to the friend of youth St. John Bosco popularly known as Don Bosco.
My welcome of you and introduction to the Parish Community on this website is specifically in reference to Don Bosco Church, Lingarajapuram.
Don Bosco Church has a history of active involvement and participation that is gift orientated thereby utilizing the gifts of our people for the welfare and betterment of the wider community. Our people are a wonderful resource through whom the Spirit operates. In the eyes of God, we are gifted, graced and chosen to build up Parish Community of Christ. You are invited to participate in the various areas of the Parish life where your gifts can be exercised and developed.
This website offers information about Don Bosco Church’s, opportunities for belonging to the Parish Community, information about sacraments celebrated in the parish; access to information about spiritual life, faith formation; Information of various groups that are actively involved in the life of the Parish. I trust this website will connect people in our community and activate talents, gifts and strengths so that the collaboration of these gifts will give everyone a sense of belonging and of bring valued for who they are.
In this way we will be a vibrant and spirit enlivened community which lives out its mission of Sanctifying souls by proclaiming the gospel and striving to truly be the face of Christ replicating Don Bosco charism towards the youth who face a similar situation that existed during the time of Don Bosco; globalization, industrialization, secularization, individualization and migration. Turbulent economic and political situation hinders young people to develop autonomy and force many young to migrate in search of work.
Please make use of opportunities to be personally welcomed to the Parish beyond cyber space of this website.
Fr. Jose SDB
Rector and Parish Priest