The society of St. Vincent De Paul (SSVP) is a voluntary organization dedicated to serve the poor, sick, disabled and needy people. The SSVP was formed by Blessed Fredric Ozanam in the year 1833 who was a friend of the poor & needy. In the year 1862, SSVP was first formed when the conference of Our Lady of Hope was established in Mumbai – India by Rev Fr. Leo Meurin.S.J (Later Bishop).

The SSVP in Don Bosco Church was commenced in the year 2003 June and had adopted 8 families for food and medical help. At present, we have 15 adopted families for food and 7 families for medical aid and 23 school going children are being helped financially. We thank our Parish Priest, Rector & Spiritual advisor Rev Fr. Aloysius Santiago (SDB) and our Administrator Rev Fr. Arun Kumar (SDB) and Rev Fr. James Sundar (SDB) for their encouragement, guidance and blessings towards functioning and progress of SSVP at Don Bosco church, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore.  We would also like to thank our Spiritual Director Mr. Sunny Richard of Society of St. Vincent De Paul from the Archdiocese of Bangalore. We also like to thank our parishioners, benefactors, donors & well-wishers.


ACTIVITIES: Every Sunday at 4.15 PM, the SSVP conducts prayer meeting with members of adopted families with the Sunday Gospel reading and reflection. We provide also Food Grains, Educational help for students, Funeral Expenses, and Medical Aid for the sick people.


Legion of Mary had its humble beginning on 13th October 1996 in the parish premises. It is a lay apostolic association with the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, MEDIATRIX of all Graces. The object of legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed through prayer and active cooperation in the church.

 In the beginning, there were 32 members comprised of both men and women.  After ten years, the number began to decrease and therefore the then parish priest Rev. Fr. Devasia sdb asked the members to close the Legion of Mary temporarily for some time. But then the members were not for that decision and thus they continued to have the Legion of Mary with fewer members.  With the Grace of God, till today the Legion of Mary still exists in the parish for the past 23 years.

At present there are two groups namely men Legion of Mary and Women Legion of Mary existing separately.  In men’s group there are about 18 members actively involved and in women’s group, there are about 17 members.  They have regular meetings on Saturday evening from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.  Both groups are actively involved in various parish activities as well as in spreading the devotion of Our Blessed Mother.

Their activities are: House Visiting, Visiting the sick people at hospitals, Visiting of mentally challenged people in homes, Visiting people who are at the streets, Counseling for the separated couples, Visiting the poor families, Orphanage and old age homes, helping the priests to distribute Holy communion to the sick people, organizing SCC meetings, Prayer over the dead, visiting the cemetery, Singing hymns for the funeral masses, cleaning the parish church and other pious activities.


The motto:  Serve the Lord with Holy Joy.  The association of altar servers is very vibrant in our parish. We have both boys and girls serving the lord with holy joy in the altar. They accompany the priests during the holy Eucharist and also help out in Para liturgical services. We have about 35 of them. We have a regular meeting for them on every Saturday evening from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Besides serving at the altar they also do cleaning and arranging the church premises for various programmes. They have annual picnic and occasionally they are also animated with the spiritual activities and games by the animators.